
Are you TLS 1.2 ready? Force your secure Web API to use TLS 1.2.

What is TLS? Transport Layer Security (TLS) is an industry security standard to help protect data transmitted over the internet. The newest version of TLS, 1.2 provides enhanced security and it is the current standard. .NET Framework & TLS  The .NET framework uses common language runtime, used as an execution engine and class library providing reusable code. Older versions of .NET do not support the newer TLS 1.2 so it is recommended to also upgrade .NET to at least 4.5 if you are using an older version of Windows. The .NET 4.5 supports TLS 1.2 but it is not the default protocol so you need to opt-in to use the latest TLS 1.2. Forcing a secure website and web API to use TLS 1.2 With the recent upgrade of TLS 1.0 and 1.1 to TLS 1.2. Older TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 being deprecated, So, you have to force your websites/services to run over TLS 1.2. You will get below error due to TLS upgrade, the latest browsers by default will make a call to service (API) using TLS1.2  and A

How to stop overthinking about work

American writer and lecturer Dale Carnegie once said, "Our fatigue is often caused not by work, but by worry, frustration and resentment." It is true that some people think too much about trivial issues and make a mountain out of a molehill. Over thinking uses up all your energy and makes you feel tired. In the long run, it can make a person depressed and anxious. It decreases one's efficiency and also affects your quality of work, be at home or workplace. However, the latter has more impact in one's life. If someone is in the habit of thinking unnecessarily, he can create something out of nothing. He can create problems for himself. Your family members and friends might forgive you for making issues out of nothing but your colleges and mangers won't. So, you need to sit quietly and relax for sometime whenever your mind tries to think too much. If you wonder when and how you need to stop overthinking, especially at workplace, here are some tips. 1. It's

For perfectly aligned close button, use HTML code (&times) instead of letter x

If you are not happy with the close button (x) of your popup modal dialog box, then try using the HTML code for perfectly aligned cross close button X             ------  x &times    ------ ×    (Perfect cross) Usage Example: <a aria-label="Close Modal Box" href="#">×</a> OR <button aria-label="Close Modal Box">×</button> For accessibility, use aria-label attribute, otherwise it will read as multiplication when the website used by visually impaired user.

Learn how to mix RGB codes to generate Web Colors.

If you are learning web designing, you will encouter with problem of specifying colors in CSS. You can specify the color in in diffrent ways: 1. Using name of the color.                 color : green; 2. Using rgb code in decimal numbers.                 color : rgb(00, 255, 00); 3. Using hex triplet.                 color : #00FF00; Colors are displayed combining RED, GREEN, and BLUE light. By mixing these three primary colors in different proportion, you can generate the different colors.  Here is a simple way to generate web colors more quickly from their RGB codes. In a typical web representation # RR GG BB , the first 2 digits denote red, the second 2 digital are for green and while the last 2 digit represent the blue shade. Each number denotes the strength of that particular color – FF0000 is only red (no green, no blue), 00FF00 only green (no red, no blue). If all colors are present in equal strength FFFFFF, you get white, if no color is present 000000, you get ful

How to get and set Manager Attribute for a Windows Azure AD User using Graph API

Windows Azure AD Graph provides programmatic access to Windows Azure Active Directory (AD) through REST API endpoints. Using Windows Azure AD Graph API developers can execute create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations on Windows Azure AD objects such as users and groups. REST API endpoints. Windows Azure AD Graph exposes REST endpoints so that developers can consume it in their applications. Windows Azure AD Graph conforms to OData v3 protocol, which makes it possible to consume from any modern development platform and application architecture, ranging from mobile devices to Office 365 extensions. Windows Azure AD Authentication.  In order to execute any of the operations available through Windows Azure Graph, the client needs to be authenticated first. Windows Azure AD Graph relies on Windows Azure AD for authentication. Windows Azure AD federates with Windows Azure Active Directory and serves as a Security Token Service (STS) for client requests. You can downlaod sa

Windows Azure Active Directory: Using the Graph API with an Office 365 Tenant

If you have already got an Office 365 subscription, and would like manage your users account using Azure AD Graph API (RESTful API) instead of Powershell CmdLets. Yes you can. While this statement is technically true, the story is far from complete. Azure Active Directory subscription comes free with  Office 365 subscription. You will not be require to subscribe to Azure to manage your users and group and user's manager. Now to access Azure AD using Graph API, you need to following details to authenticate with Azure AD. Tenant Domain Name Client Application Service Principal ID Client Application Secret Key. The main challenge here is that you need to register you client web application with Azure to get above details. So you have go to Microsoft Azure Manage Portal to register your client application. To use Microsoft Azure Management Portal, you need to subscribe for this service with Microsoft Azure Portal. But as I said you can access Azure AD without any additiona

6 ways to turn your USB pen drive into the ultimate powerhouse.

Any external USB storage drive, be it a pen drive or a hard drive, is used primarily for that reason - storage. But then, you knew there was more to it than that, didn't you? So let's find out today what else can be done with these tiny and innocuous looking pen drives. I can bet that some of these tricks will pleasantly surprise you. 1. Install a full-featured apps suite Using a full-featured apps suite is one of the most common ways to get the most out of your USB pen drive. These suite of tools can help you run just about any software right from that small piece of hardware. They are basically a collection of portable versions of popular tools, organised in an impressive manner. The most popular among these is  PortableApps . Another good one is WinPenPack . Try them out and use the one that fits your needs the most. 2. Use it as a bootable device Using a CD/DVD to install an operating system is out of fashion, apart from being less convenient. Use your pen dr