Learn how to mix RGB codes to generate Web Colors.

If you are learning web designing, you will encouter with problem of specifying colors in CSS. You can specify the color in in diffrent ways:

1. Using name of the color.
                color : green;

2. Using rgb code in decimal numbers.
                color : rgb(00, 255, 00);

3. Using hex triplet.
                color : #00FF00;

Colors are displayed combining RED, GREEN, and BLUE light. By mixing these three primary colors in different proportion, you can generate the different colors.  Here is a simple way to generate web colors more quickly from their RGB codes. In a typical web representation #RRGGBB, the first 2 digits denote red, the second 2 digital are for green and while the last 2 digit represent the blue shade.

Each number denotes the strength of that particular color – FF0000 is only red (no green, no blue), 00FF00 only green (no red, no blue). If all colors are present in equal strength FFFFFF, you get white, if no color is present 000000, you get full black.

#FFFFFF #000000 #FF0000 #00FF00 #0000FF

If you want to “darken” a color, you need to move the color towards black 000000. That means 550000 is darker than 880000 that is darker than FF0000.

#FF0000 #880000 #550000

Similarly, if you want to “lighten” a color, move towards white FFFFFF. So, FF8888 is lighter than FF4444 that is lighter than FF0000

#FF0000 #FF4444 #FF8888

Color combinations are dictated by the “strongest” color. So BB8844 is a reddish shade, 33CC00 would be a little green, and 777777 gray (since it has no strongest color).

#BB8844 #33CC00 #777777

Similarly, the RGB code for Facebook blue is #3B5998 which is predominantly blue color.

If you are not comfortable with Hexadecimal arithmetic, you may use the standard Windows calculator in scientific mode to perform such calculations. Hexadecimal numbers use 16 unique symbols (0-F) as opposed to the Decimal number system’s 10 (0-9), and to make up for the extra 6 characters, the English alphabets A-F are used.
You can the Hexadecimal code for Decimal number in below table: